Kanji Reading Practice #10

 Another sign from a recent walk that I took through the city. This has some pretty easy kanji, from WaniKani levels 11 and lower. A warning here on the sign, be careful! See down below the photo for the explanation.


The Kanji Meanings and Readings (this usage):

(こう) - going; journey; carry out; line; conduct

(ゆう) - exist; have; possess

(つう) - pass through; traffic; commute; avenue

(ちゅう) - pour; concentrate; flow into

() - idea; mind; thought; care

The Words:

スロープ - slope

有り (あり) - existing; to be; to have

通行 (つうこう) - passage (of people; traffic); passing

注意 (ちゅうい) - caution; being careful; attention; warning

The Meaning:


There is a slope, pass with caution.

Pass through with caution, there is a slope.

Slope ahead, proceed with caution. 

Slope. Use caution. (Like a sign would be - short and to the point)
